questions answered
Areas of Practice
- Family Law, Divorce & Custody
- Landlord & Tenants
- Real Estate and Real Property
States of Practice
- Connecticut
- New York
has answered 18 questions
More answers
- Leases and Age My question is, if I signed a lease for an apartme... 6/17/06, 8:13 am United States New York Landlord & Tenants
- reciprocating law regulaions for new york to north carolina wife ... 10/29/04, 1:47 am United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- Marital property I don't like being around my husband anymore wit... 10/28/04, 3:09 pm United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- child support Is the percent for one child 17 or 19% for support ... 10/28/04, 11:13 am United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- rommate and my rent check: am I liable? In August, I gave my room... 10/28/04, 1:16 am United States New York Real Estate and Real Property
- legal age for payments In New York state, what is the age of majo... 10/27/04, 10:26 pm United States New York Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption