Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Alabama

Inhertance Rightd

My ex husband is over 25,000 behind in child support. I contacted my local DHR Child support in reference to him getting a 50,000 check from his dads insurance company when his dad passed away. I gave them all the info. By the time they chceked into it, he had recieved the check and placed it in the bank in his moms name so that me nor our 6 and 8 year old children could touch it. My question is , can my children get a grandchilds portion of the 150,000 that his family got? or can I make him pay his back child support and start paying weekly child support. Please help I am desperate.


Lisa Perry

Asked on 8/03/05, 2:59 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Sterling DeRamus Sterling L. DeRamus, Attorney at Law

Re: Inhertance Rightd

Yes and you should pursue his little butt as far as the ends of the earth for pulling this stunt. Not only will you get your money; you will get your attorney fees and to put a little icing on the cake, the judge will probably throw his little butt in jail for pulling such a stupid stunt. Pardon my french, but your ex-husband's an idiot!!! And so's his new wife!

Get a divorce/child custody lawyer in your area and go after the little SOB and be sure to name the new wife in the action as well. Not sure where you are, but let me know and I'll find someone nearby who can help you if I can't.

Sterling L. DeRamus

[email protected]


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Answered on 8/03/05, 4:20 pm

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