Legal Question in Business Law in California

Salaried Employees - Closed for X-mas

We own a small business in CA. Do we have to pay our salaried employees for days they missed do to sickness or family emergencys?

In addition, we closed the business for 1 week during the holidays. They have no vacation left, do we have to pay them for that week?

Asked on 1/08/08, 8:27 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Edward Hoffman Law Offices of Edward A. Hoffman

Re: Salaried Employees - Closed for X-mas

Offhand I don't know the answer to your first question. Hopefully another attorney will respond to it.

As to the second, the answer is yes. You have a contract that says the employees will work and you will pay them. The reason they didn't work that week is that you prevented them from doing so. You cannot escape your contractual obligations by preventing the other parties to the contract from performing.

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Answered on 1/08/08, 9:09 pm

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