Legal Question in Consumer Law in California

I signed a contract for a car loan for a friend (ex boyfriend) stupid move from a auto sales place that he & his friends have bought cars from before, The car ended up having a problem, and he gave the car back. A couple days later I had to go back to the car sales place to sign another contract for different car by that time I wasnt wanting to do it but I did. That car ended up having problems as well & he told the sales place he didnt want it. About a week later give or take a couple of days we went to an actual dearlership and looked at a car I didnt have the all the paperwork at the time that they needed, so I was to call the next day. Well, I came to my senses & told him I wasnt going to sign for a car for him. A couple days went by we hadnt spoken then I get a call from the finance company who left me avoicemail to call. I call my ex up & asked why would the finance company be calling me? Bottom line we was driving the first car. When I signed the second contract for the second car cause we gave the first one back, is the first contract voided? I had no knowledge that he went & picked up the car. what kind of legal action can I take I dont want the car in my name, I didnt even know that he had the car, I am so stressed out thinking in the long run he is going to screw me over, he has paid for 2 months of payment, and has insurance on it in my name. I told him he did it without my knowledge I have a copy of the contract for the second car but not i the first contract. he told me what second contract. Im in a lost of what to do. PLEASE HELP!

Asked on 1/20/13, 6:10 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Kelvin Green The Law Office of Kelvin Green

Sales contarcts many times are different than financing contracts...based on whats listed here i would think the first contract was rescinded but without seeing everything it is difficult to tell...i i wonder how he got insurance in your name as well?

I would suggest usibg an attorney to write some letters and sort it out

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Answered on 1/20/13, 6:49 pm

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