Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

i was just going through a death of my father 5 mo.s ago. when, rusty walked in to my life. i had been living in a motel after my stepfather -only on paper, not in my heart-died so suddenly! diagnosed, with cancer and three mo.s later, he died, holding my hand in his home...i was pushed out by his biological kids-who, wanted nothing to do with their birth dad except, his belongings. I nursed him through a stroke, glaucoma, and then, Cancer??! it, involved 24hr. care and no time, for a job. 4 years before his death, i sat at my MOTHERS BED, and held HER HAND, as she passed away, from the same mercyless desease! i had many opp. to get a job? but, both insisted, (I wouldn`t have done, anything less) I needed, to take care of them....I, put their welfare, above, my own. I, gained so MUCH fighting together, this DESEASE, that was ROBBING ME, of the two people, I loved the most, in this WORLD! I sat through, over 2 months in the Hospital, sleeping on, a hard bench, a chair,, my car. My Mother, wanted me with her! and, if thats what would make her fear ease a bit? Then, I wouldn`t leave her! when, they died? I died! and, my life ended with the loss of my much loved and missed, Parents....I ended up, homeless? but, I died RICH! I posessed, the most love, then, any Daughter could, hope for! He, told EVERYONE, within, earshot. TH-AT, was, my Dad?!-that he wanted me, to have the trailor. I, WOULD HAVE TRADED IT, FOR just, a nother few years, with him! I, am now, facing athe real THREAT, of...being, homeless.And those biological, children? they, are sitting nice and cozy, in the home, I was fourced out of, five months, ago?? they, got ev-erything. Except, their Fathers....LOVE> They, came up, on the los-ing end....I, was told, by the sheriff, who phoned me-three days, after his death-that" I, was, just, a guest.......?" and, 'I, had, to, get, out....?' I, was still greiving, and in shock, from losing, my Father, so FAST>>?? cancer? is, a CRUEL DESEASE! It, breaks, up families! and, breaks, MORE HEARTS, then, any man....could, ever do.! i, can`t find a job, in this small town in California.. I`ve, tried. my, credits bad, because, I spent all of my savings, trying to, save the two people, whom i loved most, in this crazy, world. In, the last months of both their lives, I was buying most, of their medicine. and, I even, signed for my Mothers hospital bills. she, called me;" Her knight, and shining, armor" Dad? He, was pronounced dead??! and, in my grief, i screamed out;"DADDY! DON`T, LEAVE, ME, A-LONEEEE!?~ and? you won`t believe this?! but, my Father, heard me, and CAME BACK, TO LIFE!? it, was witnessed by an L.V.N. THAT`S, how MUCH, he LOVED ME!i am, the RICH ONE, HUGH? I, have no idea, what I am going to do?! i`m, a woman. and, I am in my 40s. so? I can`t afford a Lawyer?? and, who, will listen, to me, when, I wear, the face, of, a homeless...woman? they, fade, into, the dark...they die, with-out, a bed, or a loved one, to hold, their hand....My, name is, Janet. and, I, WAS, SOMEONES, DAUGH-TER. I, WAS, loved.... I, Had, a family...and, a...home.....Would? you, help, this very confused, and frightened, Woman? Tell me, won`t you....? HOW? Did, something like this, injustice, happen, to "My, knight, and shining, harmor...?"

Asked on 5/28/11, 6:15 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

George Shers Law Offices of Georges H. Shers

I am very sorry for what happened to you. I can, to a limited extent, understand, what happened to you and how you feel. It is, unfortunately, not uncommon that the best child gets the worse deal when a parent dies. Most parents do not want to face the prospect of dying so do not properly plan what will happen to their assets. My parents did not. But the law can not cure that. Sorry.

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Answered on 5/28/11, 7:22 pm

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