Legal Question in DUI Law in California

how can i obtain a early release of probation along with expungement of a Misdemeanor charge?it has been oer a year now & no other convictions aside my continuance of SCADP which am attending.Its is hardship since most employers (automotie dealerships specific) will not hire with out a clean driving record.

Asked on 1/18/10, 8:59 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert Marshall Law Office of Robert L, Marshall

A so-called expungement won't help. Even if you get one, a DUI stays on your DMV record for ten years.

Under Penal Code �1203.4, a person who is granted probation can apply to have the case dismissed after probation is complete. This is sometimes called an expungement, but it doesn't really expunge anything or seal your record. The conviction is still a part of the court's public records, which will also show the case was dismissed. You still must disclose the conviction when applying to be a police officer or for certain other jobs, or if asked on an application for a state license or to run for public office. The conviction can still be considered a prior offense, so your DUI conviction could be used to increase the punishment in subsequent DUI cases.

BEWARE of law firms that promise to "clear your record" and charge thousands of dollars. The process of filing a Penal Code �1203.4 petition is pretty simple, and you can do it yourself with forms available from the court clerk's office, especially if you completed probation without any problems. If you had a probation violation along the way, you may want an attorney's help, but the guys who charge thousands to file simple paperwork will probably overcharge you for that, too.

California Labor Code �432.7 says employers can't ask about any arrest that didn't result in a conviction, inquire about it from other sources or use it in a hiring decision.

Some attorneys interpret this Labor Code section to mean you don't have to disclose a conviction that was dismissed under Penal Code �1203.4, but I usually advise clients to disclose it, with an explanation that the conviction was subsequently dismissed.

Please understand that this is a general discussion of legal principles by a California lawyer and does not create an attorney/client relationship. It's impossible to give detailed, accurate advice based on a few sentences on a website (and you shouldn't provide too much specific information about your legal matter on a public forum like this, anyway). You should always seek advice from an attorney licensed in your jurisdiction who can give you an informed opinion after reviewing all of the relevant information.

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Answered on 1/23/10, 11:51 am
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Many convictions can sometimes be 'expunged' by proper application and Motion to the court, but only if there was no prison time served or even sentenced, if it was not for certain sex and Domestic Violence crimes, if ALL terms of probation [with at least one year served] are completed and finished, and if there are no new charges pending. If successful, the conviction would be retroactively withdrawn and the charges dismissed. That does not 'remove' the conviction, but merely changes the record to show 'conviction reversed and dismissed by expungement'. If expunged, you would be able to say 'no' to conviction on most private employment applications. However, the conviction is still a 'prior' for purposes of repeat offense, and must be disclosed on any application for government and professional licensing, bonding, security clearance, etc. If you�re serious about doing so, and you think you qualify, feel free to contact me for the legal help you'll need.

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Answered on 1/24/10, 2:13 pm

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