Legal Question in Family Law in California

Common Law Marriage

I would like to know if California has Common Law Marriage? If so, how does it work?

Asked on 2/14/01, 3:33 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

E. Daniel Bors Jr. Attorney & Counselor At Law

Re: Common Law Marriage

Dear Inquirer:

Nothing herein shall create an attorney-client

relationship, unless a written retainer agreement

is executed by the attorney and client. This

communication contains general information only.

Nothing herein shall constitute an attorney-client

communication nor legal advice. There likely are

deadlines and time-limits associated with your

case; you should contact an attorney of your

choice for legal advice specific to your personal

situation, at once.

If you haven't already done so, please visit my

web site at --

The site contains quite a bit of general

information about California Family Law, as well

as information about me (education, experience,

et cetera) and my office (location, hours, fees,


Now, in response to your inquiry --

Common Law Marriage was abolished in California

long ago. However, a "common law marriage"

(marriage predicated solely on consent and

cohabitation without license and solemnization)

entered into in a jurisdiction that validates

same will be recognized for all purposes in

California. But if the out-of-state jurisdiction

does not recognize a purported common law

marriage, neither will California. Also, if the

couple has a reasonable objective belief that they

do in fact have a California Common Law marriage,

there is a split of authority as to whether it

can be recognized.

Read more
Answered on 3/30/01, 12:43 pm

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