Legal Question in Family Law in California

Previous checks written on my husband's acct OK'd

My husband has been living here with my 7 yr old child and myself coming & going for about the last 8 months. We've been married 10 years. Some of the times he was gone (not knowing where),I wrote checks for various living expenses such as rent, utilities and basic survival expenses for us. My husband knew this and didn't involve his parents who live in another state. The acct. reads with my husband's name and his father's name on it. During his longer stay away this most recent time (3 weeks), I wrote another larger check not knowing if he was coming back at all. I didn't have other income which was known. I've been threatened with being reported to the police for writing a forged check (the most recent other for which there was no complaint was $2,000, plus withdrawals for utilities which were in my name). The other threat is having the bank come after me personally with their lawyers. My in-laws told my husband that the bank did wrong to cash a fraudulant check. However, there were others signed by me with my husband's name on them previously which have gone through w/o charges threatened on me or a police scene at my front door anyday.

Asked on 6/18/03, 2:27 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Re: Previous checks written on my husband's acct OK'd

There are several important issues that you deal with. However, the first and foremost issue, are you a signer on the account?

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Answered on 6/18/03, 11:13 am
Brian Levy, Esq. Law Office of Brian Don Levy

Reply: Previous checks written on my husband's acct OK'd

It is difficult to provide you with an answer without first having more information.

I suggest that you consult with an experienced family law lawyer. Experience is not expensive, it's priceless!

You will find some valuable information on various family law issues at my web site.

Good luck to you!

Brian Levy, Esq.

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Answered on 6/18/03, 9:20 pm
Lyle Johnson Bedi and Johnson Attorneys at Law

Re: Previous checks written on my husband's acct OK'd

Assuming that your husband was aware that you were writting checks and signing his name, he may have by acquience consented to your signing his checks. If you had not signed the checks he would have been guilty of not providing for his child and his spouse.

If there are any further threats you should contact an attorney and discuss the matter fully. Also keep checks that you have previously signed.

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Answered on 6/18/03, 9:41 pm

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