Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Magazine Review causes termination...

I've worked at this retuarant for almost a year. I have never recieved and complaint and have recieved good reviews from various magazines that have came in to dine.

Recently a writer from a local magazine came in to write a review on us. I waited on him.

The entire night went well (to say the least).

BUT when the article came out he wrote ''bad service''.

The owner of the restuarant demanded I be fired even though my two managers (being able to recall that night) both agreed it was unnecessary and undeserving. However I was fired...can I take any course of action againist the magazine or writer or even the owner?

Asked on 12/29/06, 10:28 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Jonas Grant Law Office of Jonas M. Grant, A.P.C.

Re: Magazine Review causes termination...

If you were an at-will employee not subject to an employment agreement, union protection, or some other exception unlikely to apply to you, then your employer can let you go at any time, for any reason, good, bad, or no reason whatsoever, at any time. Looking on the bright side, if the management is unreasonable there, you probably want to be working somewhere else anyway. If you truly want to get nasty, you might report any tax, labor code, or health code violations to the appropriate government agencies (some of which offer anonymous reporting), but you are probably better off just moving on to a better place to work, perhaps with recommendations from your two managers.

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Answered on 1/10/07, 10:27 am
Robert F. Cohen Law Office of Robert F. Cohen

Re: Magazine Review causes termination...

You can write a letter to the editor, explaining how you always serve people with kindness and cater to their every culinary need, despite their being boorish, rude, and bad writers.

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Answered on 1/09/07, 3:41 pm
Thomas Pavone Pavone & Cohen

Re: Magazine Review causes termination...

Your options appear to be limied. Perhas additional facts would assist in a more accurate assesment of your claims, if any. Contact my office if you wish to discuss this further.

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Answered on 1/09/07, 6:18 pm

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