Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Stressed by Fear and Anxiety

Question: How do I file a stress-related emplyment claim against my supervisor,the college where I work or both? In the last 2 years I have had unrelenting demands placed on me , given very little help or resources to accomplish the goals outlined by supervisor # 1. In the last ten years, I have been given three supervisors. The College dean also assigned the foundation director and now the community relations staff as the people I answer to. I have been threatened that if I do not give each what they want funding will be cut. I now have PVC of the heart and high colesterol. I also injured my back trying to deliver the mail. I am the Alumni Director. The demands of the job, constant fear of being fired, harrassment, bullying have caused heart disease, self-doubt, embarrasement and sever mental anguish. How do I get legal Help!?

Asked on 10/20/01, 2:07 am

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: Stressed by Fear and Anxiety

You need to obtain and complete a DWC1 form, an employee's claim form. Send it to your employer to complete the bottom section that provides their worker's compensation insurance carrier. Your employer has control of your medical treatment for the first 30 days, however, if that treatment is not adequate of non-existent as is here, you may go to a doctor of your chioce. Tell him or her that it is a work injury so that he may complete the DOCTOR'S FIRST REPORT OF INDUSTRIAL INJURY. You should obtain representation immediately so as to be referred to a doctor your attorney works with. When you are deemed permanent and stationary it is critical to your final award to have your work restrictions opined by a doctor who is applicant oriented, and not one on your employer's insurance company payroll. The worker's compensation system is very adversial. The insurance companies will get away with anything they can. They will pay you the minimum on your claim unless you obtain representation to protect your interests. The worker's compensation insurance companies have attorneys, why don't you?? Call me directly at (619) 222-3504.

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Answered on 11/02/01, 7:16 pm

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