Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

Drug Arrest question

Can someone be arrested for buying drugs if they are not caught at the time and have no prior record? A friend of mine was held up at gunpoint while trying to buy drugs, but didn't bring money and there was no transaction. He called 911 and they caught the guy with the gun. My friend admitted to the police that he had had bought drugs in the past, but not that day. No drugs were found and he was not arrested, but is now concerned about telling them he bought in the past.

Asked on 12/05/07, 1:55 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Brandon Kolb Kolb, Cintron, & Associates

Re: Drug Arrest question

The purpose of the following response is for informational, educational and discussion purposes only. Legal advice can only be given after a full consultation. Engaging in this correspondence does not constitute an attorney/client relationship.

Your friend should discuss his concerns with an attorney. He probably has nothing to worry about; in order to prosecute, the State would normally need to know specific dates, locations, quantities, and types of drugs. That being said, he should consult with an attorney and discuss the matter fully.

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Answered on 12/05/07, 8:10 pm
Scott R. Jay Law Offices of Scott R. Jay

Re: Drug Arrest question

NOTE: This communication is not intended as and should not be interpreted as legal advice. Rather, it is intended solely as a general discussion of legal principles. You should not rely on or take action based on this communication without first presenting ALL relevant details to a competent attorney in your jurisdiction and then receiving the attorney's individualized advice for you. By reading the "Response" to your question or comment, you agree that the opinion expressed is not intended to, nor does it, create any attorney-client relationship, nor does it constitute legal advice to any person reviewing such information, nor will it be considered an attorney-client privileged communication. If you do not agree, then stop right here, and do not read any further.

The chances are slim that he would be arrested now but it is not an impossibility. He should consult with a criminal attorney so that he is prepared just in case it does happen.

There is so much crime that police will not usually worry about a statement made about something like this in past tense.

Scott R. Jay, Esq.

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Answered on 12/06/07, 12:11 am

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