Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Illinois

What is an order for default on a credit card balance?

Asked on 5/09/10, 8:47 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Sounds like you owed money on your credit card, that it got to the point where the card issuer sued you, you were served but didn't appear in court or didn't show up for something you were required to show up for after appearing, or didn't obey some other court requirement, and regardless the court has require notice to you (like a "last chance") that a default order is going to be entered against you for the amount claimed if you don't do something. IF you do nothing, a judgment "by default" can be entered (meaning the card issuer may not have "proved up" -- ie submitted evidence of the debt -- in court) simply because you failed to show up to defend yourself. And eventually they will try to garnish wages or other assets or somehow grab you into court to examine you as to any assets, etc., record a judgment lien against you, screw up your credit rating, etc. etc. etc. So you might want to consider doing something. More specific I can't tell because I don't know from your information at what stage of the situation the order was entered or will be entered if it is just notice that it will be entered..... Good luck.

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Answered on 5/14/10, 10:29 am

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