Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Massachusetts

Time limits on filing inventory of an estate

My mother passed away almost a year ago and her estate still isn't settled. We just found out that the executor of the estate was approved and bonded in February and still has not submitted an inventory list of the estate. (We just went to the courthouse to view her file.) We know that a check was sent to him to add to the estate and we submitted a bill to him for the funeral expenses that we paid for and are supposed to be paid back out of estate according to my mother's will. We were told that there should be an inventory list (accounting list)in her file at the courthouse of all the assets or potential assets or debts that she had.Is this true and if so, is there a time frame as to when this list should be filed? And what time frame does he have to settle this estate? Is it from the date of her death or from the date he was bonded as executor?? Thanks for your help!

Asked on 8/14/02, 11:30 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

henry lebensbaum Law Offices of Henry Lebensbaum (978-749-3606)

Re: Time limits on filing inventory of an estate

You need to find out whether you are listed or should be listed as an interested party. If you should be and your name does not appear, you should contact the Executor with an explanation. Do not confuse an inventory with an accounting. Depending on the size of the estate, you should list all of your questions, and send them to the Eexecutor, assuming there is a valid appointment, with a time to respond. You should really take the papers and a copy of the will to an attorney.

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Answered on 8/14/02, 10:13 pm

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