Legal Question in Criminal Law in New Jersey

I was arrested and I was never read my Rights

Yesterday, Friday Dec 15th I was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest and was the arresting officer and or associate officers NEVER

read me my Miranda rights. I asked them if I was being charged/arrested

and they said 'YES'. When asked why they did not read me my Miranda rights they said they do not have to and if I want I file a complaint in court with the judge.

Asked on 12/15/07, 2:12 am

4 Answers from Attorneys

Gary Moore Gary Moore Attorney At Law

Re: I was arrested and I was never read my Rights

Miranda Rights do not have to be read if the officer is not going to question the person being arrested.

Call me if you like.

Gary Moore, Esquire

Hackensack, New Jersey

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Answered on 12/15/07, 12:25 pm
Ronald Aronds Law Office of Ronald Aronds, LLC

Re: I was arrested and I was never read my Rights

Your Miranda rights only apply to any statements you make to the police. If they want to use any statements you make against you, then they have to read you your Miranda rights first. I am an attorney who has handled many cases similar to yours in various courts throughout New Jersey in the past. I would like to discuss your case with you in more detail. Please contact me about this. I never charge for simply talking to a person about their case. Thank you.

Sincerely yours, -Ronald Aronds, Esq.-

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Answered on 12/15/07, 12:36 pm
Daniel Cevallos Cevallos & Wong, LLP

Re: I was arrested and I was never read my Rights

These are my favorite questions to answer. Police don't have to read you your miranda rights unless there is CUSTODIAL INTERROGATION. You were in custody, but I doubt you were interrogated. After all, you were arrested for your conduct. They really don't have to ask you any questions. If they asked you about a cocaine conspiracy, then you'd have some case. But leave the miranda attacks to the movies.

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Answered on 12/15/07, 3:54 pm
Kenneth Vercammen,Esq. Kenneth Vercammen

Re: I was arrested and I was never read my Rights

Please call our office to schedule an in-office consultation so we can assist you with your matter. Please visit our website: for articles pertaining to your specific matter.

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Answered on 5/20/08, 10:15 am

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