Legal Question in Criminal Law in New Jersey

I used my friend's atm card last month without her knowledge. I did know the pin number. I took 600. Well I came clean to her, and did offer to pay her back the money, she did not want to take it. Now she is saying the bank wants her to go file a police report. I do not have the money now. Can the police come and arrest me for this? and how long can I go to jail for?

Asked on 11/17/09, 2:42 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Gary Moore Gary Moore Attorney At Law

A theft conviction involving a sum of $500.00 or more has a maximum prison sentence of five years. Additionally, upon conviction of a theft you will have trouble getting a job at a bank, insurance company, financial services company, computer company, home health aid company

and you will have trouble applying for state licensing in many professions, such as nursing.

You seem very nonchalant about your situation. Your friend did not want you to pay her because her bank had already reimbursed her. You probably owe the bank.

Get yourself a lawyer and pay whomever you owe the $600.00 to, through the lawyer.

Call me if you like.

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Answered on 11/22/09, 2:54 pm
Ronald Aronds Law Office of Ronald Aronds, LLC

Yes you can go to jail for this, and since it is a third degree theft charge you are looking at up to 5 years in state prison. Please contact me to discuss your case in more detail. I never charge for simply talking to a person about their case. Thank you.

Sincerely yours, -Ronald Aronds, Esq.-

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Answered on 11/23/09, 4:05 pm

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