Legal Question in Bankruptcy in New York

student loan debt

I graduated college in 1996 with $90,000 in studentl loan debt. It is now up to $140,000 as I cannot afford to repay enough to keep up with the interest rate. The loan is already consolidated. I make $30,000 per year and my husband has been unemployed and looking for work for almost two years. He is in school. Is there any way out of this? I don't see how I will ever pay this back.

Thank You

Asked on 1/06/05, 7:16 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Andrew Nitzberg Andrew Nitzberg & Associates

Re: student loan debt

I understand your situation and it is very difficult. But I want to talk about how you can deal constructively with this mountain.

First, you are correct that Bankruptcy will not assist you. And paying on the loan is perhaps not possible. But, 140T may be a mountain, but it can be addressed.

Second, if you stop paying now, the clock starts ticking on the amount of time they have to sue for a judgment. The sooner you start this clock, the sooner the debt may become 'unenforceable'.

Third: If you stop paying and fall into default, then you can negotiate a payback that may not include further interest, and perhaps not even the already accrued interest.

Fourth: What is your situation? Are there reasons that would justify forgiveness of this debt?

Fifth: payment alternatives. There are concepts of 'community service' that may be applied to the debt (schoolteacher, military service are two such examples. There are others.)

sixth: remember; this is smaller than many house mortgages and they get paid. Think in terms of decades, not single years.

Good luck.

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Answered on 1/07/05, 1:43 pm
Robert DeMarco DeMarco-Mitchell, PLLC

Re: student loan debt

You need to consult with a local bankruptcy lawyer and have him or her discuss with you the probability of obtaining a hardship discharge under chapter 7 or if need be chapter 13. (FYI see 11 USC sec. 523(a)(8))

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Answered on 1/07/05, 8:48 pm

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