Legal Question in Civil Litigation in New York

I believe I am being blackmailed and/or extorted. A woman I know is fighting for custody of three of her grandchildren. The children's mother claims "Grandma" is mentally ill, and not fit to raise children. The ins and outs of this particular case haven't got much to do with me. What concerns me is that I've allowed "Grandma" to babysit my own kids on several occassions. "Grandma" is now threatening myself, her niece, and a friend of ours, with calling Child Protective Services anonymously to report inadequate guardianship for allowing our children to be babysat by her. The plan is for her to call CPS, say we allow a mentally ill woman to babysit, then when CPS comes to investigate, as they have to by law, we in turn say, "Who, "Grandma" ? Oh, she's fine, I trust her absolutely, etc etc etc." The purpose of this is to make "Grandma" look good in court, so she says. The only way she will NOT call CPS to make this report is if we all write her letters for the court to "prove" she's not mentally ill. I feel as though she is messing with my life, and the lives of my children, and it seems as if there could be legal repercussions for her. I am really asking if there is anything I can do to stop her, or what. Please give me some advice. Thank you.

Asked on 9/28/10, 2:18 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Glenn Reichelscheimer The Law Offices of Glenn A. Reichelscheimer

Contact the district attorney's office for your locality and explain the situation to them. If you all (you,her niece, and your friend) act together preemptively by reporting Grandma they should take your matter seriously and open an investigation. Do not wait for her to carry out her threat. And it would benefit you all if you could get her on tape making a repeat of the threat.

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Answered on 10/07/10, 9:41 am

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