Legal Question in Business Law in Ohio

Broken Contract

What rights do I have when a contractor has not completed his contract in building my home and we have tried to resolve this matter for over 1 year since contract was suppose to be finished and the contractor said he would not finish it until he was paid in full? He has contacted a lawyer to get the rest of money on contract even though he has never completed the house.

Asked on 4/10/98, 10:51 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Steven Hill Steven A. Hill, Attorney at Law

Term of "contract" will determine

The answer to your question depends largelyon the terms of the contract, which may ormay not be written. If the contractor is required to finish before getting paid, then you may be able to force him either to finish or to reimburse you for having someone else finish the job. If you were required to pay before finishing, then the contractor might have a case.

Now, determining the terms of the contract, if it was npt written, may be difficult.

The contractor has contacted a lawyer, but hasthe lawyer contacted you?

Is something wrong with the work done?

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Answered on 4/30/98, 9:34 am

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