Legal Question in Personal Injury in Ohio

I was a victim of assault in August 2009, the guy was convicted and ordered to pay restitution to cover medical bills and to replace my clothing that was ruined. He went to court in August and now it is December. I have been getting letters in the mail from the hospital and other medical providers informing me that if I fail to pay I will be turned into collections. Today, the probation officer informed me that the perpetrator would only be able to pay about $50 a month. My medical bills are close to 3k, and are past due. The probation officer told me in August, that the guy would be able to pay this and not to file for the Victims of Violent Crime Compensation Fund of Ohio. Today he says I might want to think about doing this. The problem is that it takes 120 days for a decision and is supposed to be the last resort in order to compensate. I was granted the restitution, but I am not sure if I can use the VVCC fund, since the restitution will be considered compensation even though he will only pay $50 per month on a 3k bill. I just want to know my options, or am I just supposed to pay this out of pocket.

The judge also granted a whole $50 dollars for the clothing and watch that was ruined by this.

Also, I didn�t have insurance over the summer while I was out of school so it didn�t cover any of this.

Asked on 12/02/09, 3:58 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Melissa Lipchak Melissa R. Lipchak, Attorney at Law

File with Victims of Crime and advise your medial providers that you are filing with Victims of Crime. Victims of Crime may pay the bills and have the $50 per month sent directy to Vicitms of Crime. If you can get copies of your medical records from the Prosecutor's file and send Victims of Crime the medical bills and records, it may speed up the process. Also, if you have an wage loss, you may be able to receive compensation from Victims of Crime for this loss also.

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Answered on 12/07/09, 4:17 pm

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