Legal Question in Social Security Law in Oklahoma

Need help.

I am a 21 year old with an enlarged heart that doesn't function well and 2 ruptured disks in my back. I can't work as a CNA, all that I have done since I graduated from high-school. It makes me very limited to what I can do now. With out being able to get insurance coverage for medication and doctors for prexisting conditions helpwith receiving my treatment. I lost my Dad during a heart transplant when he was 40 and my older brother of a massive heart attack at 33. Can I not receive SSI or anything to help me? I have fought the SS once because I also have 20/200 vision and suffer from sever depression. I don't want to go through that again.

Asked on 8/06/02, 10:34 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Hunt John

Re: Need help.

Thank you for your question. Sorry, but the only way that you can receive SSI is by going through the process. If your condition has worsened since the last time you were denied, you should reapply.

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Answered on 8/06/02, 4:52 pm

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