Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Pennsylvania

My husband died two years ago. I recently found several bank book accounts that he had prior to me knowing him. The bank said I need to show a death certificate and a short certificated. How do I obtain a short certificate?

Asked on 3/24/11, 11:50 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

John Davidson Law Office of John A. Davidson

You need to go to the place that issues Short Certificates. It the Register of Wills located at your county court house. Give them a call and they can give you the information you need to file for one. If they don't call your local bar association and they can refer you to a lawyer that does estate work.


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Answered on 3/24/11, 12:01 pm

A short Certificate is a legal document that shows the decedent�s name and date of death. It will also show the name of the Executor/Executrix who has been named to handle the affairs of the estate. A Short Certificate can be obtained at the �Register of Wills� office in the county court house.

Was an estate ever probated for your husband? If not, then you will need to get appointed as the executrix. Depending on what assets your husband had, you may need an attorney to assit with the probate of your husband's estate.

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Answered on 3/24/11, 12:31 pm

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