Legal Question in Criminal Law in Tennessee

Gay relationship ended and diamond ring taken from me

I was given a very nice diamond ring which I do have several pictures wearing it and also a picture of us wearing ours together. When we started having problems she demanded I give her the ring back. I felt threatened by her at the moment, otherwise I would have denied giving her back the ring. No police were involved in the incident. This ring was a gift to me from her so I still don't think she has the right to take it from me like that. Do I have any chance of suing her for my ring back? Would I need to get a lawyer and take her to small claims court?

Asked on 1/22/07, 6:43 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jes Beard Jes Beard, Attorney at Law

Re: Gay relationship ended and diamond ring taken from me

You GAVE the ring back. Sounds as if you transferred ownership to her when you did so just as she apparently transferred ownership to you originally when she gave it to you. Not sure what difference it makes whether you are gay or straight, or much of anything else.

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Answered on 1/28/07, 9:43 am

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