Legal Question in Personal Injury in Texas

Home Owners Rights

My dog supposedly bit next door neighbor child while tresspassing on my property. Our county has no animal control laws, What liability and/or problems may I expect? What are my legal options? What is my legal responsiblity? Thank you.

Asked on 4/12/98, 7:12 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Basil Landon Hoyl, Jr. Law Office of Basil Hoyl - Safeco Land Title

dog bites child

First, get the dog checked for rabies. Rabies is fatal, but there may be treatment if caught in time. The animal is checked by observation and if necessary, destruction and examination of the brain.

Second, if you didn't know it before, you do now. Your dog is dangerous. Personally, I would destroy the animal immediately. I have done this when an animal I had threatened a child, and it was the right thing to do. Do not keep a dangerous animal. Should you choose not to destroy the animal, expect to be sued and lose if the animal ever hurts anyone.

Third, destroy the animal.

Fourth, you might be sued. You should report the incident to your home owner's insurance or consult an attorney if you have no insurance.

This message does not constitute the hiring of this lawyer for any purpose. It is general information only and you should REALLY seek legal counsel immediately and hire them and pay them if you want legal information for your specific matter. This should merely be taken as general information for you to begin your research so that you will be better informed when you consult your lawyer.

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Answered on 5/13/98, 3:17 pm

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