Bradford Downs
Bradford K. Downs, Jr. Attorney at Law
Attorneys in Firm – 1"PERSONAL ATTENTION TO YOUR LEGAL NEEDS AT AFFORDABLE RATES" My goal is to make quality reliable legal representation both convenient and affordable. I represent individuals and businesses in Jefferson, Orange, Hardin, Chambers, Liberty, Harris and Galveston Jefferson County. If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment for a free consultation, please feel free to give me a call.

questions answered
LawGuru Attorney
Areas of Practice
- Business Law
- Construction Law
- Consumer Law
- Credit, Debt and Collections Law
- Family Law, Divorce & Custody
- General Civil Litigation
- Mediation
- Personal Injury Law and Tort Law
- Products Liability
- Real Estate and Real Property
States of Practice
- Texas
Bradford Downs has answered 29 questions
More Bradford Downs answers
- Contractor's payment liability after release of lein I,being a su... 12/09/04, 8:55 am United States Texas Construction Law
- non circumvention I signed a non-circumvention & fee agreement ag... 3/23/04, 9:25 am United States Texas Business Law
- Help - Accident with Semi Help, I was hit rear-ended by a semi tr... 1/08/04, 2:01 pm United States Texas Personal Injury Law and Tort Law
- Actual start date versus contract date Contract dated May 1, actu... 11/14/03, 2:24 pm United States Texas Construction Law
- thieft of service/stopped payment I'f I provided service for some... 1/09/03, 10:55 am United States Texas Consumer Law
- Marriage license question. What if all the information on your... 10/16/02, 4:49 pm United States Texas Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption