Craig Hardegree
Hardegree Law Firm, P.C.
Attorneys in Firm – 1Attorney Craig Hardegree has aggressively and successfully represented thousands of auto accident victims in 25 years of practice. While many clients are in his base area near Atlanta, GA, he has represented clients all across the country who were injured in car wrecks while traveling through Georgia.
(678) 838-0550
[email protected]

questions answered
LawGuru Attorney
Areas of Practice
- Insurance Law - 25 Years
- Personal Injury Law and Tort Law - 25 Years
States of Practice
- Georgia - Admitted 25
Countries of Practice
- United States
Craig Hardegree has answered 5 questions
More Craig Hardegree answers
- Slip & Fall Isn't the department store responsible for all my bil... 3/06/07, 1:54 am United States Georgia Personal Injury Law and Tort Law
- Emergency Room Doctors Since I didn't have a choice in choosing m... 3/06/07, 1:49 am United States Georgia Medical Malpractice Law
- MVA Injury - Am I being bullied? Does the insurance company repre... 4/27/02, 12:32 am United States Georgia Personal Injury Law and Tort Law
- How Much? My daughter who is three was involved in a accident wit... 4/11/02, 3:24 pm United States Georgia Personal Injury Law and Tort Law
- Personal Injury regarding Homeowners Insurance Last week I slippe... 3/01/02, 10:14 am United States Georgia Personal Injury Law and Tort Law