Adam Brief
Mellinger, Sanders & Kartzman
Attorneys in Firm – 4I specialize in all aspects of debtor and creditor representation, including the filing of bankruptcy cases, and defending parties in avoidance litigation in the United States Bankruptcy Court. I also represent parties in commercial disputes in state and federal courts.

questions answered
LawGuru Attorney
Areas of Practice
- Bankruptcy Law
- Credit, Debt and Collections Law
States of Practice
- New Jersey
Countries of Practice
- United States
Adam Brief has answered 7 questions
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- Bankruptycy I have a business that is upside down that i have to ... 3/20/09, 9:05 am United States New Jersey Bankruptcy Law
- bankruptcy in the state of N,J how long does your bankrupcy stay... 2/24/09, 5:33 pm United States New Jersey Bankruptcy Law
- Bankruptcy Exemptions I am thinking of filing for bankruptcy. I ... 2/18/09, 11:58 pm United States New Jersey Bankruptcy Law
- Can I add my divorce atty in my bankruptcy Hi, I still owe 10,000... 2/18/09, 2:46 am United States New Jersey Bankruptcy Law
- Bankruptcy preferential pursuant my ex wife is filing for bankrup... 1/06/09, 8:35 pm United States New Jersey Bankruptcy Law