E. Stassinos
Elias Stassinos, Esq.
Attorneys in Firm – 1Mr. Stassinos provides advice for small businesses. Elias Stassinos, Esq. can incorporate, form an LLC, and or file and obtain a trademark for you business as well as obtain all business license and tax documents required for starting your business. Call for a reduced fee when obtaining all the filings from our law office.

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LawGuru Attorney
Areas of Practice
- Business Law
- Computer & Technology Law
States of Practice
- Alaska
- Alabama
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- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
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- Iowa
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- Mississippi
- Montana
E. Stassinos has answered 31 questions
More E. Stassinos answers
- changing business disyinctions I run a company that is presently ... 6/05/08, 10:46 am United States Arizona Business Law
- Registered Agent What are the responsibilites and liabilities for... 10/05/06, 2:31 pm United States Mississippi Business Law
- Terminating of LLC How do I terminate an LLC for a company that h... 10/03/06, 7:58 pm United States California Business Law
- disclosing profits Is a business required to provide copies of ve... 3/12/04, 2:11 pm United States California Business Law
- Sold A Car My friend sold his car to his sister-law and she never... 11/13/02, 11:17 am United States California Criminal Law
- Hit & Run Accident but car that hit me has no damages Help!!! ... 9/23/02, 4:09 pm United States California Personal Injury Law and Tort Law