Tom Brown
Burdine & Brown
Attorneys in Firm – 1Tom's practice is primarily in the area of workers' compensation representing exclusively injured workers'. He has a substantial sub-practice in the area of Social Security Disability representing applicants for Social Security Disability Benefits.
In 1989, Tom was one of the founders of a group of specialized practitioners in the area of workers' compensation calling themselves workers' compensation claimants' lawyers. He became the Secretary, then Treasurer, then Vice Chairman, then Chairman of this organization. His Chairmanship ended in 1998 and Tom remains on the Executive Committee of this exclusive organization. The WCCL has a reputation in the community at large, at the State Board of Workers' Compensation and among the employers and insurers as an organization, that carries substantial weight and influence in the area of workers' compensation issues. This organization stands as virtually the only organization that represents the injured workers' interests.
Tom is an active member of WILG (Workplace Injury Litigation Group). This is a national organization affiliated with the Association of Trial Lawyers of America and is dedicated exclusively to advocating the cause of the injured worker. This organization is in its third year of operation.
Tom's clients find him a strong advocate for the injured worker and for the disabled person. He seems to have an excellent reputation in the community. He has been involved in substantial litigation that has found him in the forefront of lawyers representing the injured worker. He enjoys his practice immensely.

questions answered
LawGuru Attorney
Areas of Practice
- Social Security Law
- Workers' Compensation Law
States of Practice
- Georgia
Countries of Practice
- United States
Tom Brown has answered 6 questions
More Tom Brown answers
- Continuing Employment at Job I have a knee injury, job related, n... 10/20/07, 5:42 am United States Georgia Workers' Compensation Law
- workmans comp I work for trucking company. I am a independent con... 10/10/07, 7:31 pm United States Georgia Workers' Compensation Law
- hurt on the job my husband was hurt on the job 5 months ago, he s... 10/09/07, 12:26 pm United States Georgia Workers' Compensation Law
- Temporary Partial Disability (TPD) I have a 2000 WC claim. We ar... 9/19/07, 10:02 am United States Georgia Workers' Compensation Law
- Knee Injury at Work I received a knee injury at work in September... 8/29/07, 10:06 pm United States Georgia Workers' Compensation Law
- w/c settlement apparantely I have reached mmi, and the comp adjus... 8/24/07, 10:44 pm United States Georgia Workers' Compensation Law