questions answered
Areas of Practice
- Business Law
- Computer & Technology Law
- Criminal Law
- Family Law, Divorce & Custody
- General Civil Litigation
- Personal Injury Law and Tort Law
States of Practice
- Texas
Countries of Practice
has answered 7 questions
More answers
- filing bankruptcy after a divorce to avoid paying other party. hu... 8/03/99, 8:16 pm United States Texas Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- Paternity Action by District Attorney What does it mean when a wo... 10/01/98, 2:07 am United States Texas Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- Adoption by stepfather I am divorced/remarried with two children.... 4/20/98, 5:07 pm United States Texas Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
- A.F.D.C. Withholding Tax Refund I was sued for paternity of a chi... 3/28/98, 8:30 pm United States Missouri Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption