Melinda Dionne
Dionne & Dionne
Attorneys in Firm – 2The attorneys at Dionne & Dionne have over 40 years of combined experience helping clients solve financial problems. Clients have access to Dionne & Dionne's attorneys from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. seven days a week. There is never a charge for initial consultations.

questions answered
LawGuru Attorney
Areas of Practice
- Bankruptcy Law
States of Practice
- Alabama
Melinda Dionne has answered 17 questions
More Melinda Dionne answers
- my granddaughter and her husband divorced. in the divorce it stat... 9/15/09, 1:23 pm United States Alabama Bankruptcy Law
- My wife and I are seperated. She is planning to file bankruptcy C... 8/27/09, 9:00 am United States Alabama Bankruptcy Law
- I'm faced with having to file bankruptcy due to collection action... 8/21/09, 1:31 pm United States Alabama Bankruptcy Law
- Bankrupcty If your debt is all seperate can one spouse file for C... 7/09/09, 10:16 pm United States Alabama Bankruptcy Law
- garnishment if the bank has taken back their property can they pr... 6/24/09, 4:54 pm United States Alabama Bankruptcy Law
- Surrender Vehicle When I filed bankruptcy I chose to keep my vehi... 6/23/09, 6:32 pm United States Alabama Bankruptcy Law