questions answered
Areas of Practice
- Business Law
- Computer & Technology Law
- Consumer Law
- Drunk Driving & DUI Law
- Family Law, Divorce & Custody
- General Civil Litigation
- Health Care Law
- Insurance Law
- Intellectual Property
- Landlord & Tenants
- Medical Malpractice Law
- Personal Injury Law and Tort Law
- Traffic Law
States of Practice
- Massachusetts
has answered 27 questions
More answers
- OUI One Person Accident Our son hit a tree and was severely injur... 12/26/05, 9:49 pm United States Massachusetts Drunk Driving & DUI Law
- Dealer negligence, i have no car I bought a used car with a warre... 12/01/05, 1:51 pm United States Massachusetts Consumer Law
- car accident question Hi I was wondering if you could help me wit... 11/11/05, 5:29 pm United States Massachusetts Traffic Law
- Paid for a product and didn't receive it I bought a very expensiv... 11/11/05, 11:02 am United States Massachusetts Consumer Law
- speeding ticket does a speeding ticket in massachussets count aga... 10/24/05, 8:22 pm United States Massachusetts Traffic Law
- Collection of airline ticket cancellation refund I got an airline... 9/30/05, 11:24 pm United States Massachusetts Consumer Law