Stephen Lombardi
Lombardi Law Firm
Attorneys in Firm – 1We are a personal injury firm and all that entails. Steve's been doing the same work in pi and wc since 1981. Call us if you have questions or just need to talk.

questions answered
LawGuru Attorney
Areas of Practice
- General Civil Litigation
- Personal Injury Law and Tort Law
States of Practice
- Iowa
Countries of Practice
- United States
Stephen Lombardi has answered 456 questions
More Stephen Lombardi answers
- I am in a dispute with a seedy landlord who wrongly evicted me. S... 10/08/22, 7:24 am United States Iowa General Civil Litigation
- I fell on my now ex employers parking lot and they have now termi... 6/19/19, 10:11 pm United States Iowa Personal Injury Law and Tort Law
- Should all >> PAID << members of a club have the code to open the... 5/24/18, 9:00 pm United States Iowa Personal Injury Law and Tort Law
- If I can see a Facebook post and they are not my friend, is it le... 5/14/18, 8:15 am United States Iowa General Civil Litigation
- Can I audio record in my home with notifying people who come and ... 6/02/17, 3:42 pm United States Iowa Real Estate and Real Property
- We subleased our townhouse on January 3 rd to a "friend". They as... 1/09/17, 12:01 pm United States Iowa General Civil Litigation