questions answered
Areas of Practice
- Immigration Law
- International Law
States of Practice
- Alaska
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Countries of Practice
- United States
has answered 2593 questions
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- if my husbands father is a citizen does that make him a citizen?<... 2/22/11, 10:40 am United States California Immigration Law
- Is that true if you are on visa waiver and overstayed from an eu... 2/22/11, 9:04 am United States New Jersey Immigration Law
- i have a question ,i'm from India c my uncle is living in s... 2/22/11, 4:26 am India Immigration Law
- My mother got this letter last week from the National Visa Center... 2/22/11, 1:27 am United States Illinois Immigration Law
- I got a conditional green card on the basis of marriage to a US C... 2/21/11, 12:30 pm United States New York Immigration Law
- My fiance and I will be married on May 27, 2011 in Peru. What is... 2/20/11, 7:34 am United States California Immigration Law