Francis R 'Francois' Favre, Esq.
The International Lawyer
Attorneys in Firm – 1Ma�tre Francis-Roger � Fran�ois � Favre, Esq.
Barreau Californien [L.L.D., J.D., B.S.]
11500 W. Ostego St.
Valley Village, CA 91601-3633
Tel. home: +(632)365-1206
Tel. cell : + (63) 906 496-5059
E-mail : [email protected]
Dual Citizen (French & US) Multilangual (French, English, Spanish) Maried with a Filipina.
Currently engaged as Legal Consultant & Research Attorney in an international and local practice specializing to provide business advice and the legal representation necessary to facilitate the commercial implantation of foreign concerns in the USA and Pacific Rim countries, emphasized by an expertise in US and Filipino Jurisprudence with a understanding of Southern Asian customs & laws but in concordance to Western European mores and a workable knowledge of French, Italian, UK & EU judicial principles. Qualify to travel, reside and work anywhere in EU & US. Suitable as resident representative or local authorized agent.
1985-2002 FRAN�OIS R. FAVRE, ESQ., 369 S. Doheny Dr.520 & 310 N. Crescent Dr., Ste 306], Beverly Hills, California, Attorney, engaged mostly in Real Estate, Entertainment law and Show Business, music recording, radio and TV productions
1999-2000 LAW OFFICES OF CUDAL & SALES, TRG Bldg Brookside, K21 Ortigas Ave Ext, Cainta, Rizal, Manila, 1900 Philippines [Tel. (632) 240-1802 - Fax (632) 240-3816.], Consultant, International Law, with emphasis to French, US and Filipino jurisprudence.
1998-1999 LAW OFFICES OF TONY TRIA, Unit E, 9th Floor, Strata 100 Bldg., Emerald St, Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines, Consultant, International practice, with emphasis to French, US and Filipino jurisprudence (Gov. contracts, R.E. & Low cost housing.)
1996-1998 HILLSINGER & COSTANZO, 5000 Wilshire Blvd, 10th Floor, Los Angeles, California, Of Counsel, [Defense firm] continued with the same product liability practice done at CHASE, plus some medical malpractice and international work.
1975-1995 CHASE, ROTCHFORD, DRUKKER & BOGUST, 606 South Olive Street, 22nd Floor, Los Angeles, California, and 700 South Flower Street, 12th Floor, Los Angeles, California, Of Counsel [Martindal-Hubbel, AV Rated]; Primarily engaged in motion work, discovery and pre-trial phases of civil practice, with emphasis on (1) international and multinational law, (2) business affairs, (3) torts insurance and product liability defense, mostly in automobile and tire litigation, arm, machinery and heavy equipment, including some Railroad [F.E.L.A] and Public Utilities cases.
1980-1985 LOS ANGELES MUNICIPAL COURT, 1400 South Hill Street, Los Angeles California Judge Pro-Tem, Traffic, Department 61. (Part-time and pro-bono recurring position.)
1972-1974 LAW OFFICES OF FRAN�OIS R. FAVRE, 5775 Cahuenga Blvd, Hollywood California, and 110th Street & Broadway, Los Angeles, California; General Practice with emphasis on Entertainment, Immigration, Criminal and Family law.
1969-1972 WELLS FARGO BANK, Pershing Square Branch, L.A., California & So. California Head Quarters, El Monte, California - Data Processing Dprt, keypuch operator, sorting and processing documents for distribution thru Federal Reserve Bank.
PRODUCT LIABILITY DEFENSE, i.e. Michelin North America [Michelin Tire Corp. (US), and affiliated tire companies as Michelin Reifenwerke (Germany), MOTC (Korea), Uniroyal and Goodrich (US), KleberColomb (France),] Compagnie G�n�rale des Etablissements Michelin (France); Bliss-Salem Crane Co., Remington Arms Co. (US); Air France (France), So. Pacific Rail Road (US), Sears & Roebuck, California Edison (US); INSURANCE CIE.: Aetna, CNA, Chubb, CIGNA, GEICO, INA, Fireman�s Fund, Hartford, USAIG (US), Lloyd (UK), Assicurazioni Generalli (Italia), Mutuelle du Mans (France), PhilAm Life (Phil.); AGENTS, i.e. Marsh & McLennan (US), Fug�re & Juteaux (France). OTHERS: Hyundai (Korea), Wells Fargo Bank (US), InvestArm [fabrica de arma] (Italia), Lemaire Cie, (France); Amboise Cellars (US), Chateau Auget, Chateau Charron (France), La Femina Mistica [UNIFEM] (US), Etiquette Records (US); Little Prune, Cool Records (France) Charisma Artists Productions, All Nite Show, KIEV (US), Fast Print, Golden State Realty (US); Tria El Portals, Inc., [Development Technologies], CDJ Building System, Inc. (Phil.), Philippines National Police Police Community Relation Group, Camp Crame, Quezon (Phil.), PNP Protective Association, Cainta (Phil.).
1948-1958 - El�ve, primary & secondary French education cycles, [CEP];
1959-1961 - Ancien El�ve du Lyc�e d��tat de Nice; France, [BH];
1965-1967 - Ancien El�ve des Beaux Arts de Toulon, France, [BA];
1969 - ITT Tech Institute, Los Angeles � PC/Data Processing degree.
1969-1970 - Scientiis Baccalaurei, (Bachelor of Science in Law) V.N.U., Los Angeles, Calif., [BS];
1971-1972 - Juris Doctor, suma cum laude, Van Norman University, Los Angeles, California, [JD];
1973-1983 - Doctorate in Jurisprudence, Professor of Law, Constitution, Torts, Procedure and Evidence at Los Angeles College of Law (V.N.U.) at L.A. & Barstow Campuses, California. [LLD];
1980-1983 - Assistant Dean, Van Norman University, Los Angeles Campus, California.
1983-1985 - Associate Dean, Newport University, L.A. Campus (1985)
1988-1990 - Lecturer, California State University East Los Angeles, School of Nursing.
Multilingual [English, French, Italian, German, etc.] & Dual citizen [US & French passports.] Catholic, Maried to a Filipino citizen and one child (a year-old) and Philippine permanent resident & working visa, [Sec. 13a.]; Computer learned [Basic, Windows (95, 98 & XP), Offices machines.] US and Philippine Driver License; Good health & motivated [Football Aussie Rules, P�tanque].
1972 Admitted to the CALIFORNIA STATE BAR (active) and all California Courts.
1973 Admitted to UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, Central California.
1973 LAWYER�S CLUB of Los Angeles, California.
1974 FOREIGN LAW ASSOCIATION, Los Angeles, California.
1975 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION, International Law Section.
1996 California Real Estate Broker (inactive)
1999 PNP LAWYER ASSOCIATION, Manila, Philippines.
1967-1969 Le Club des Jeunes [Youth Club], La Crau, France (Founder and President.)
1970-1978 Le Club Fran�ais de Los Angeles, California (Legal Adviser - President 1976-1978.)
1972-1978 The International Institute of Los Angeles [United Way founded.] Calif. (Director and Legal Advisor.)
1975-1985 Amicale de P�tanque Of Los Angeles [APOLA,] (Founder and President.)
1978-1996 French-American Chamber of Commerce, L.A. Chapter, Calif. (Cofounder, Councillor and Advisor.)
1975-1985 Legal Advisor to the French Consulate, Beverly Hills, California.
1976-1996 L.A. Athletic Club, Riviera Golf Club, L.A. & California Yatch Club, L.A., California (Member.)
1989-1990 Southern California Motion Pictures Industry, Bronze & Silver Award.
1991 The Pioneer Skippers Boat Owner Asso. (Judge to Christmas Boat Parade.)
1994-1998 The Cellar Club, Beverly Hills, California (Member.)
1995-1998 The Friars Club, Beverly Hills, California (Member Friar.)
2000-2006 PNP Protective Assn, Inc., Manila, Philippines (Incorporator and Legal Assistance Board Member.)
2004-2006 Philippines Australian Football League & Polo Club, Makati, Manila
(632) 514-4267
6(390) 649-6505secondary
[email protected]

questions answered
LawGuru Attorney
Areas of Practice
- Business Law
- Entertainment & Sport Law
- International Law
- Investment Law
States of Practice
- California
Countries of Practice
- United States
Francis R 'Francois' Favre, Esq. has answered 48 questions
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