Christian Hoel
Ross & Hoel
Attorneys in Firm – 2The lawyers in Ross&Hoel have a combined 14 years of working in the District Attorney's Office and have handled virtually every type of criminal case under the sun. Let us bring our experience to you.

questions answered
LawGuru Attorney
Areas of Practice
- Criminal Law
States of Practice
- North Carolina
Countries of Practice
- United States
Christian Hoel has answered 4 questions
More Christian Hoel answers
- sex in a vehicle Is it illegal to have sex in a car(parked or oth... 12/15/04, 9:12 pm United States North Carolina Criminal Law
- First Offenders Program I was placed on the first offenders progr... 12/15/04, 6:58 pm United States North Carolina Criminal Law
- is a citation is considered an arrest? Our 16 year old daughter r... 12/14/04, 6:43 pm United States North Carolina Criminal Law
- Testifying Does a wife have to testify against her husband if she... 12/10/04, 9:51 pm United States North Carolina Criminal Law