Terry A. Nelson

Nelson & Lawless

Attorneys in Firm – 2
Terry A. Nelson has over 40 years experience offering fast and effective help to clients in trouble with criminal charges in all state and federal courts in California. We currently emphasize and have a long history of successful experience in defense of all levels of criminal charges, from major felonies, serious misdemeanors, DUI/DWI, whether through trial or negotiated settlements in the client's favor. We also have an extensive background in major Civil Litigation matters, including claims of harassment and discrimination based upon Civil Rights, disability, pregnancy, age, Whistle-blower, Elder Abuse, major Personal Injury, etc. Call for your free phone consultation, or contact us at [email protected] with a brief description of your case and claim for the attorneys to review and provide an opinion.
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(714) 960-7584
Serving clients from San Diego to LA County CA

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