Credit, Debt and Collections Law answers by Brad Aldrich
- I was sued by a hospital's Lawyer a couple of years ago for not p... 8/25/09, 12:59 pm United States Michigan Credit, Debt and Collections Law
- do you have any recourse when a judgement has been entered upon ... 8/27/09, 9:50 pm United States Michigan Credit, Debt and Collections Law
- I am being sued over failure to pay on a credit card debt. My ap... 8/19/09, 4:09 pm United States Michigan Credit, Debt and Collections Law
- Can any creditors that I have judgements against me,take my unemp... 8/19/09, 12:45 pm United States Michigan Credit, Debt and Collections Law
- I have a pre trial comming up. I am unemplyed and have only 19.00... 7/31/09, 2:01 pm United States Michigan Credit, Debt and Collections Law
- I have been served papers on a old debt. The papers say that they... 8/05/09, 9:01 pm United States Michigan Credit, Debt and Collections Law
- Can a debt buyer of a vehicle installment contract sue for the de... 8/03/09, 10:01 pm United States Michigan Credit, Debt and Collections Law
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