A dead tree limb fell on my tenant's car.
Am I responsible for t...
3/04/09, 5:07 pm
United States
South Carolina
Landlord & Tenants
I was evicted of my apartment in Minneapoolis, MN...
3/04/09, 11:01 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Lease argreement
I recently held a lease agreement with an apartm...
2/26/09, 12:49 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
I currently rent my house but need it back. Can I legall...
2/23/09, 2:57 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Fridge in apartment quit working
Hi, my son rents an apartment. H...
2/23/09, 8:15 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
landlord /tenent
can our former landlord keep our mail hostage?...
2/10/09, 6:14 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Crimes ruled an accident
My brother was sitting in his living ro...
2/10/09, 3:11 pm
United States
South Carolina
Landlord & Tenants
Fed Up
I have black mold in the basement of the home I am renting...
2/09/09, 5:13 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
what rights do we have as renters to stay in our current ...
2/04/09, 8:47 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Landlord Financial obligation
I'm a tenant who's renting from a h...
1/30/09, 8:37 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Roommate refusal to pay rent
My roomate who is also listed on the...
1/27/09, 8:20 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
trailer home water shutoff
i am behind on my rent and i talked to...
1/22/09, 5:17 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
security deposit
i am planning on taking my former
landlord to ...
1/11/09, 6:44 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Deceased renter/landlord rights
Our renter died leaving a rather ...
1/10/09, 11:57 am
United States
South Dakota
Landlord & Tenants
return of security deposit
My aunt passed away in her apt. on oct...
1/05/09, 10:01 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants