I just moved out of my apt. June 30th. My lease was up May 9, 201...
7/21/10, 12:11 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Recently our apartment complex is repaving the entire parking lot...
6/25/10, 1:48 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
What do you do if you believe the home you are renting has Bed Bu...
6/30/10, 5:51 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
How do I break a lease for commericail I havent move in to yet
4/24/10, 12:28 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
My husband and I own a rental property. The lease was signed in A...
4/20/10, 8:20 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
landlords tree fell on car the other day due to it was partially ...
3/11/10, 11:05 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
We had tenants living in our rental house, but never made a signe...
3/04/10, 7:34 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
My husband and I are landlords. We just rented our house to a te...
1/04/10, 5:32 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Hello, I own a condo in St. Paul, MN. Several weeks ag...
1/02/10, 10:11 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
I own a building and rent space to three small businesses. One o...
12/29/09, 5:23 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
if two people sign a lease and one person moves out before the le...
12/26/09, 1:55 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
can my old landlord keep my damage deposit for the last months re...
12/24/09, 11:18 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
My roommate and I want to get out of a lease. I found the origin...
11/22/09, 5:31 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
I am a landlord that shares my home with a renter. We both signe...
11/10/09, 1:11 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants