Dear Sir, i am planning to sale a flat in Nallasopra, Taluka...
9/23/10, 12:53 am
Tax and Taxation Law
whether buidling on agricultural land and used for agricultural p...
9/16/10, 11:21 pm
Tax and Taxation Law
Hi , I have retured joining bonus of the previous empo...
9/14/10, 3:24 am
Tax and Taxation Law
Can you send me a draft for the power of attorney we need to give...
8/31/10, 5:08 am
Tax and Taxation Law
Sir I am a retired WCL employee. I received a lumpsum amoun...
8/28/10, 12:14 am
Tax and Taxation Law
can u write me a short note on return of loss under section 139(3...
8/18/10, 2:50 am
Tax and Taxation Law
can u tell me the meaning of "return of loss under section 139(3)...
8/17/10, 1:57 pm
Tax and Taxation Law
hi i am past associte editor of indirect tax guide sales tax revi...
7/04/10, 9:13 am
Tax and Taxation Law
I had paid my tax for year 2009. Still I dint recieve my ...
4/01/10, 5:13 am
Tax and Taxation Law
I am a computer teacher appointed to teach in a school by an agen...
3/30/10, 7:42 am
Tax and Taxation Law
if somebody lives in US - Boston and gets inheritance in india in...
2/16/10, 6:42 pm
Tax and Taxation Law
if a person sales his house at the rate of 13 lacs how much he ha...
2/16/10, 3:14 pm
Tax and Taxation Law
1. Wheather a surveyor is considered a professional in the eyes o...
2/16/10, 4:11 am
Tax and Taxation Law
We are the manufacturer of Generators. We are upgrading our compu...
2/08/10, 12:49 am
Tax and Taxation Law
My father wants to give a house as a gift to me, what is the proc...
1/24/10, 7:53 am
Tax and Taxation Law