Breach of contract - termination
I am an independent contractor ...
4/13/04, 1:31 pm
United States
Business Law
Can a city pass ordinances, that put a long time existing buiness...
4/08/04, 1:21 am
United States
Business Law
former employer
I opened my new business 2 months ago, my former ...
3/04/04, 3:36 pm
United States
New York
Business Law
Dissolved Corporation
My husband and I incorporated to start a sm...
1/10/04, 12:14 am
United States
Business Law
My husband joined his company's 401K retirement plan and the...
10/15/03, 12:14 pm
United States
Business Law
true or false
under the doctrine of srict liability, liability is...
10/16/03, 9:31 pm
United States
New York
Business Law
Unfair Business Practices
Is this scenario legal? Is it legal for...
9/23/03, 12:00 pm
United States
New York
Business Law
Is it legal to make a sale final on a custom product ??
I'm look...
9/16/03, 10:13 am
United States
New York
Business Law
If modified contract is under duress, is original contract still ...
8/12/03, 3:11 pm
United States
New York
Business Law
untrue slander
If my ex-employer has sent a letter over 2300 cust...
7/28/03, 6:41 pm
United States
Business Law
Business/Property Owner's Right of Access
I work part-time at a b...
6/12/03, 8:34 pm
United States
Business Law
Protecting a marketing idea if you're not a marketer
I have an ex...
5/28/03, 7:04 pm
United States
New York
Business Law
He is a felon I want to be away from him
I had/have a business pa...
5/07/03, 2:24 pm
United States
Business Law
Race Competition
Is it legal for me to organize a relay race in m...
5/02/03, 9:29 pm
United States
Business Law
web site development
how can I stop someone using my software cod...
4/21/03, 6:19 pm
United States
New York
Business Law