Neighbor shouting profanity and harrassing...
My neighbor has bee...
7/15/02, 3:13 pm
United States
New York
Real Estate and Real Property
Living Conditions
How do we prove that we have a serious problem ...
7/03/02, 12:21 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
landlord refuses to return security deposit... who can help?
My ...
6/27/02, 10:47 am
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
Real Estate Sales Fraud
Background: Fact #1 - a buyer enters into...
5/14/02, 10:53 am
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
The house my family owns sits on a piece of land with a ...
4/26/02, 4:17 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
My parents have a building that is being forclosed on....
4/26/02, 8:53 am
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
LLC or Partnership
Three family members are considering purchasin...
4/17/02, 10:35 am
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
How do I get out of my lease?
I moved in to a Chicago apartment i...
3/19/02, 10:04 am
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
We sublet commercial, ''Landlord'' not paying rent to building, S...
3/06/02, 7:15 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
Rental of a condominium apartment
I rent an apartment in a condom...
2/13/02, 2:41 pm
United States
New York
Real Estate and Real Property
Property Encroachment
I purhased my home in 1992. Soon after, ad...
2/09/02, 10:04 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
How to make the builder accountable for the poorly done job?
1/31/02, 5:10 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
will video stand up in court
we have put video cameras on our hom...
1/22/02, 11:42 am
United States
New York
Real Estate and Real Property
Condominium Declaration Requirements
I have read the IL Condo Act...
10/06/01, 1:14 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property
Condo Eviction Assessment Dispute
A dispute has been occurring fo...
9/27/01, 9:39 pm
United States
Real Estate and Real Property