I am self employed (technically unemployed). My wife and I work ...
12/20/11, 10:59 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
hi, we got a letter in the mail today about " Writ of Garnishment...
12/15/11, 4:24 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
My wages are garnished over a truck I let get reposessed in 1996....
12/14/11, 4:18 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I have a employment lawsuit settlement check from my previous emp...
12/14/11, 2:17 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I am being sued by an accountant who is attempting to collect a d...
12/12/11, 10:39 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
i got an payday loan back in 2008 and didn't fulfill my obligatio...
12/08/11, 6:48 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I am a disabled veteran. For over thirty years I was a civil engi...
12/05/11, 5:07 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
My son has been missing car payments. The car has been charged o...
11/30/11, 8:01 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
my business is selling hearing aids. Some patients pay a certian ...
11/22/11, 7:00 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
a law firm is trying to garnish my wife check we just got the let...
11/15/11, 1:19 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
If jurisdiction specified in a contract staes a location 1500 mil...
11/09/11, 11:20 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
if I have a credit card judgement against me for $23000, can my c...
10/30/11, 5:28 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
My wife died from cancer 2 years ago and i inherited the house. B...
10/28/11, 11:18 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I recently was givin uniform traffic citation from DOT Toll by Pl...
10/28/11, 8:14 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Is there aStatute of limitations on Bill collections in the stat...
10/27/11, 9:33 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law