My husband and I are living in his former employers home rent fre...
6/20/13, 7:32 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
A friend and I signed a year lease on an apartment, agreeing to s...
6/10/13, 8:25 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Can a Landlord take you to small claims court and ruin your credi...
6/06/13, 9:40 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
There has been extensive water damage and mold in my apartment fr...
6/05/13, 2:35 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
I have a 31 year old son and his wife living in my house, and th...
5/28/13, 9:22 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
My daughter moved in with a friend a few weeks ago but is not on ...
5/09/13, 8:15 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
was in a lease with a roommate, I was not leaving on the premises...
5/06/13, 10:36 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
i live in ks and am being evicted for nonpayment for 2 months. i ...
5/01/13, 7:13 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Can a landlord charge a tenant for damages smoking caused in his ...
4/24/13, 8:46 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Hello, I have a Residential (year long) Lease, on our house in LV...
4/17/13, 9:54 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
I live in an apartment during school and I signed a lease for a 2...
4/10/13, 10:15 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
My landlord and I are going through an eviction process., he want...
4/10/13, 11:02 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
i rented to a couple and i thnk his sister moved in with them can...
3/13/13, 7:31 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
a valve broke in the apartment that im renting the water bill is ...
4/05/13, 2:59 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
I am curious what my rights are in this matter. I rent a Perry R...
3/28/13, 10:37 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants