When I was hired for this company the employee handbook and their...
10/02/12, 9:38 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
If a job ask you to step down from a assistant manager position b...
8/20/12, 4:59 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Is it illegal for a ex to ask a manger about a Co workers firing ...
8/24/12, 1:38 am
United States
New York
Labor and Employment Law
My employment contract has a no compete claus stating I cannot pr...
5/02/12, 7:36 pm
United States
New York
Labor and Employment Law
if you get fired from a company like coca cola on your vacation i...
4/13/12, 2:52 pm
United States
New York
Labor and Employment Law
Can I sue my employer for discrimination at my job. He gives prio...
4/13/12, 5:10 pm
United States
New York
Labor and Employment Law
I filed a lawsuit pertaining to employee benefits and the defenda...
2/10/12, 12:09 pm
United States
New York
Labor and Employment Law
If my employer continuosly refuse to promote me, can I ask him/he...
12/22/11, 8:17 am
United States
New York
Labor and Employment Law
I was terminated from my job today. The reason given was a custom...
11/15/11, 4:00 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Can I take an employer to court for money owed to me, I was on th...
10/18/11, 2:43 pm
United States
New York
Labor and Employment Law
Is it legal to fire a coach due to the complaining of parents?...
10/10/11, 5:34 pm
United States
New York
Labor and Employment Law
I have been employed with a bank for 9 years . I have had No disc...
10/11/11, 6:48 pm
United States
New York
Labor and Employment Law
I have a employee who left the company computer was stolen from h...
8/10/11, 11:37 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
I was dismissed from Insurance Company for the rules and policies...
6/28/11, 4:08 am
United States
New York
Labor and Employment Law