I live in lake county calif . My question is can the officers tak...
3/08/14, 4:05 pm
United States
Criminal Law
Hi there I have a warrant for my Arrest I got arrested and then ...
3/05/14, 5:42 pm
United States
Criminal Law
My friends, who are Canadians, were arrested in Northern Californ...
2/28/14, 9:20 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I went on vacation and let so called friend hold onto car, when i...
3/01/14, 11:08 pm
United States
Criminal Law
A friend of mine was murdered and the district attorney let the d...
2/28/14, 5:05 pm
United States
Criminal Law
In california, if a deputy district attorney made a plea deal wit...
2/28/14, 1:07 pm
United States
Criminal Law
001 F PC 487(A) GRAND THEFT: PROPERTY 002 F PC ...
2/28/14, 3:44 pm
United States
Criminal Law
Is it illegal to have alcohol in you're trunk at 18 years of age?...
2/26/14, 1:20 pm
United States
Criminal Law
What is the reason for the penal code 460 (bpc) what charge is it...
2/27/14, 2:59 pm
United States
Criminal Law
Is it legal for me to possess nude photographs of my legally marr...
2/26/14, 3:20 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I just received transcripts from when my ex-wife filed a false re...
2/26/14, 5:23 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I was arrested for 459 and bailed out right after. My bail agent ...
2/26/14, 11:53 pm
United States
Criminal Law
This happened in Sacramento County,California. A 21 year old male...
2/25/14, 6:02 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I have been subpoenaed to be a witness in a murder trial in anoth...
2/24/14, 11:35 am
United States
Criminal Law
My grandson is at twin towers and on his charges there is CALLIRC...
2/22/14, 11:15 am
United States
Criminal Law