I got a jury summons and my court date was dec. 30, 2013. I compl...
5/20/14, 2:32 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I was in the car with my boyfriend when he got pulled over I had ...
5/20/14, 10:34 pm
United States
Criminal Law
A person on probation was accosted by the police and found to be ...
5/25/14, 2:36 pm
United States
Criminal Law
How do I know if I am legally allowed to possess a firearm in Cal...
5/27/14, 7:51 am
United States
Criminal Law
Is threatening to kill someone, threaten to cause severe bodily h...
5/26/14, 10:20 am
United States
Criminal Law
my husband and I have completely clean records, never been arrest...
5/27/14, 12:39 pm
United States
Criminal Law
a family member was charged with pc459 second degree,pc475 c, pc4...
5/11/14, 1:02 am
United States
Criminal Law
An officer enters my yard and finds a bag with paraphenailia in i...
5/09/14, 10:03 am
United States
Criminal Law
The L A Sheriff force entry to my home,(penal code 1524 #2,3,& 4)...
5/08/14, 11:24 pm
United States
Criminal Law
If I was a police suspect and said something to a police officer ...
5/01/14, 12:06 pm
United States
Criminal Law
If I was a police suspect and said something to a police officer ...
4/30/14, 9:28 pm
United States
Criminal Law
what happens at probation violation hearing for not doing prop 36...
4/29/14, 10:44 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I got a call from an advertisement telling me that I was the winn...
4/29/14, 7:33 am
United States
Criminal Law
In october 2012 i was arrested for one night on a DV felony charg...
4/28/14, 10:23 pm
United States
Criminal Law
My boyfriend was accused of a crime by his former girlfriend (by...
4/28/14, 8:13 am
United States
Criminal Law