Labor and Employment Law answers by Scott Linden
- Is that legal to suspend my job? I am pregnant and baby will be d... 12/09/04, 8:56 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
- Termination while on medical disability I was terminated the reas... 6/16/04, 4:39 am United States California Labor and Employment Law
- employer changed to alternative work week to avoid paying ot my e... 5/23/04, 12:57 am United States California Labor and Employment Law
- Employer's doctor's note requirement Is it a violation of civil r... 5/21/04, 5:20 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
- Overpayment to Employee Statute of Limitations My employer has co... 5/19/04, 7:32 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law
- Revoking Letter of Resignation We had a key employee give us a le... 5/18/04, 2:15 pm United States California Labor and Employment Law