comercial vehicule
can any employee of a company may be required ...
4/25/09, 3:53 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Corporate Surveillance
If an employer is keeping an employee unde...
4/26/09, 10:01 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Can you help me?
Are you an attorney that can help me on terminat...
5/03/09, 5:54 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Can you help me??
i wanted to know do you help people that have b...
5/02/09, 9:12 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Governments Contractors
I currently work for a contract company n...
5/01/09, 3:10 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Un paid wages
I was laid off on April 04/24/09. The letter from m...
4/30/09, 1:38 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
employee benefits
is it legal Not to pay someone the money that w...
4/28/09, 7:20 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Do I have a case?
well a few months ago i and a young man were in...
4/27/09, 7:35 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
How long am i supposed to wait?
I quit my job a week ago and i re...
4/27/09, 8:50 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Do I get overtime over 40 hrs if I get paid every two we...
4/25/09, 10:07 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
I worked at a large financial institution for 16+ years...
4/24/09, 1:08 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Employment and my personal car
Can an employer force me to use my...
4/23/09, 2:03 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law
harassment, shorting check, OT
I have had money taken out of my c...
4/23/09, 1:51 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
employment and labor
Are employers under any obligation legally t...
4/20/09, 8:40 am
United States
Labor and Employment Law
Got fired for being arrested long time ago
I have been working fo...
4/19/09, 7:56 pm
United States
Labor and Employment Law