I work full-time in a hospital & belong to a labor union. I am t...
1/09/12, 8:33 am
United States
New Jersey
Labor and Employment Law
Effective May 10, 2010, I received a letter offering employment ...
12/29/11, 8:23 am
United States
New Jersey
Labor and Employment Law
i am a salaried employee going through chemo treatments, My HR de...
12/07/11, 8:18 am
United States
New Jersey
Labor and Employment Law
I'm a 64 year old wholesale sales manager. I was called into a m...
12/07/11, 5:07 am
United States
New Jersey
Labor and Employment Law
My company is a staff company, they assigned projet to its client...
10/26/11, 3:12 pm
United States
New Jersey
Labor and Employment Law
I was a contracted employee with a company where in my contract i...
10/14/11, 10:46 am
United States
New Jersey
Labor and Employment Law
can you file a claim against an employer if you get written up fo...
9/30/11, 6:10 pm
United States
New Jersey
Labor and Employment Law
Am I entitled to know the salary cap of my position?...
9/28/11, 11:18 am
United States
New Jersey
Labor and Employment Law
Is it legal for an employer to terminate me after stating my cash...
9/28/11, 3:47 am
United States
New Jersey
Labor and Employment Law
how long do i have to file a lawsuit or fight for my job back aft...
9/13/11, 9:23 am
United States
New Jersey
Labor and Employment Law
Hi, i have a small business with one employee. i was paying her ...
9/11/11, 11:25 am
United States
New Jersey
Labor and Employment Law
I joined a company which trained me for 2 months in .Net and one ...
8/27/11, 10:32 pm
United States
New Jersey
Labor and Employment Law
I've been working as a consultant at my employer's client's locat...
8/16/11, 1:56 pm
United States
New Jersey
Labor and Employment Law
I am employed with a IT staffing company, say A. We had an agreem...
8/15/11, 9:32 am
United States
New Jersey
Labor and Employment Law
As part of my employment contract my position is subject to a qua...
8/03/11, 8:24 am
United States
New Jersey
Labor and Employment Law